%0 Journal Article %T AC Back Surface Recombination Velocity as Applied to Optimize the Base Thickness under Temperature of an (n<sup>+</sup>-p-p<sup>+</sup>) Bifacial Silicon Solar Cell, Back Illuminated by a Light with Long Wavelength %A Khady Loum %A Ousmane Sow %A Gora Diop %A Richard Mane %A Ibrahima Diatta %A Malick Ndiaye %A Sega Gueye %A Moustapha Thiame %A Mamadou Wade %A Gregoire Sissoko %J World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics %P 40-56 %@ 2160-6927 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/wjcmp.2023.131003 %X The bifacial silicon solar cell, placed at temperature (T) and illuminated from the back side by monochromatic light in frequency modulation (¦Ø), is studied from the frequency dynamic diffusion equation, relative to the density of excess minority carriers in the base. The expressions of the dynamic recombination velocities of the minority carriers on the rear side of the base Sb1(D(¦Ø, T); H) and Sb2(¦Á, D(¦Ø, T); H), are analyzed as a function of the dynamic diffusion coefficient (D(¦Ø, T)), the absorption coefficient (¦Á(¦Ë)) and the thickness of the base (H). Thus their graphic representation makes it possible to go up, to the base optimum thickness (Hopt(¦Ø, T)), for different temperature values and frequency ranges of modulation of monochromatic light, of strong penetration. The base optimum thickness (Hopt(¦Ø, T)) decreases with temperature, regardless of the frequency range and allows the realization of the solar cell with few material (Si). %K Bifacial Silicon Solar Cell %K Absorption Coefficient %K Frequency %K Temperature %K Recombination Velocity %K Optimum Thickness %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=123341