%0 Journal Article %T 从结构到功能——复杂网络视角下的脑科学
From Structure to Function: Brain Science from the Perspective of Complex Networks %A 郑本汇源 %J Interdisciplinary Science Letters %P 78-83 %@ 2574-416X %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ISL.2022.64010 %X 目前在脑科学领域中,尽管有了许多突破性的进展,但我们对复杂大脑功能和认知原理和机制的理解仍然不完全。复杂网络作为描述复杂系统结构的概念,被引入脑科学以解释这些问题。本文介绍了复杂网络的相关概念,并回顾了复杂网络在脑科学中的体现和意义,以更好的推广这一工具在脑科学中的应用。
Currently in the field of brain science, despite many breakthroughs, our understanding of complex brain functions and cognitive principles and mechanisms is still incomplete. Complex networks, as a concept to describe the structure of complex systems, were introduced into brain science to explain these issues. This paper introduces the related concepts of complex networks, and reviews the manifestation and significance of complex networks in brain science, in order to better promote the application of this tool in brain science. %K 复杂网络,脑连接性
Complex Network %K Brain Connectivity %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=58948