%0 Journal Article %T 黄高鳍刺尾鱼人工养殖技术研究进展
Artificial Culture Technology of Zebrasoma flavescens (Yellow Tang) %A 吕爽 %A 李楠 %A 高哲颖 %A 师剑飞 %A 杨冬芳 %A 许凤影 %J Open Journal of Fisheries Research %P 132-139 %@ 2373-1451 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJFR.2022.94015 %X 黄高鳍刺尾鱼(Zebrasoma flavescens)是一种草食性、雌雄异体的热带珊瑚礁鱼类,俗称黄金吊(Yellow tang)。黄高鳍刺尾鱼在国际海水观赏鱼贸易中成为仅次于公子小丑鱼的高频贸易品种。大量的野生种群被捕捞加重了这种珍贵物种的渔业资源危机,探索黄高鳍刺尾鱼的人工养殖技术对于保护野生种群数量和保障该类海水观赏鱼市场繁荣都有重要意义。本文阐述了目前针对黄高鳍刺尾鱼的一系列研究进展,梳理了已有报道中的人工养殖方案,以及相关的发育与培养进程,为本领域研究提供研究材料支持。
Zebrasoma flavescens is a herbivorous, dioecious tropical coral reef fish commonly known as Yel-low tang. In the international Marine ornamental fish trade, Zebrasoma flavescens has become the most frequently traded species after the childe clownfish. A large number of wild populations have been caught, which aggravates the crisis of fishery resources of this precious species. It is of great significance to explore the artificial culture technology of Zebrasoma flavescens for protecting the wild population and ensuring the prosperity of this kind of Marine ornamental fish market. In this paper, a series of research progress on the Zebrasoma flavescens is expounds, and the existing re-ports of artificial culture programs, as well as the related development and culture process, to pro-vide research material support for the research in this field. %K 黄高鳍刺尾鱼,黄金吊,人工养殖
Zebrasoma flavescens %K Yellow Tang %K Artificial Culture %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=59231