%0 Journal Article %T 高比例的风电电力系统储能运行研究
Research on Energy Storage Operation of High-Proportion Wind Power System %A 欧阳思荣 %A 朱德俊 %A 宁新玉 %A 戴浩然 %A 莫宏敏 %J Journal of Electrical Engineering %P 155-164 %@ 2333-5424 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JEE.2022.104017 %X “碳中和”目标驱动下未来电力系统必将是高比例可再生能源电力系统。就目前而言,风能是最具有开发潜力的可再生能源之一,但由于风电具有波动性和间歇性,风电的大规模并网对电力系统安全稳定运行会造成严重影响。将储能技术应用于风力发电从而平抑风电场输出功率的波动,构成风储联合发电系统是当前解决这个问题的理想方案。因此,本文通过利用非线性优化模型和微积分方法,探究了供电平衡的优化过程。研究了如何优化配置合理容量的储能系统,使风储联合系统的输出功率与预测调度计划相适应,同时使得系统的发电总成本达到最优,为提高使用可再生能源供电系统的稳定性提供了一定的方向。
Driven by the goal of “carbon neutrality”, the future power system will be a high proportion of renewable energy power systems. At present, wind power is one of the most potential renewable energy sources. However, due to the volatility and intermittency of wind power, large-scale grid connection of wind power will have a serious impact on the safe and stable operation of the power system. It is an ideal solution to solve this problem at present to apply energy storage technology to wind power generation to stabilize the fluctuation of wind farm output power and form a wind-storage combined power generation system. Therefore, this paper explores the optimization process of power supply balance by using a nonlinear optimization model and calculus method. This paper studies how to optimize the allocation of the energy storage system with reasonable capacity so that the output power of the combined wind storage system can adapt to the forecast dispatching plan and at the same time, the total power generation cost of the system can be optimized, which provides a certain direction for improving the stability of the power supply system using renewable energy. %K 可再生能源电力系统,风储联合,非线性优化,优化配置
Renewable Energy Power Systems %K Wind and Reservoir Combination %K Nonlinear Optimization %K Optimize Configuration %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=59497