%0 Journal Article %T 基于计算全息术的长焦距透镜功率谱密度检测方法
The Long Focal-Length Aspheric Lens Wavefront PSD Measurement Method Based on Computer-Generated Hologram %A 魏小红 %A 徐凯源 %A 刘昂 %J Optoelectronics %P 169-178 %@ 2164-5469 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OE.2022.124019 %X 高功率激光器的中频误差会导致自聚焦和功率损耗,但大口径长焦距非球面透镜中频波前的检测一直是一个瓶颈。本文引入计算全息术测量非球面透镜中频波前功率谱密度。借助现代光刻技术,我们研制了大口径高精度CGH,用以提供高精度的非球面参考波前,从而实现了大口径长焦距透镜中频波前功率谱密度高精度检测,且该方法可大大缩短光路、降低振动和空气扰动的影响。通过与干涉法测量结果对比,验证了计算全息法测量的准确性和方便性。此外,详细分析了计算全息法应用于非球面透镜中频波前检测的测量不确定度。理论分析和实际检测结果表明,对于焦距大于30 m、通光口径大于Φ410 mm的长焦距非球面透镜,其中频波前PSD测量不确定度RMS小于1 nm。
Mid-spatial frequency errors can lead to self-focusing and power loss in a high-power laser, however, the measurement of large size long focal-length aspheric lens mid-spatial frequency wavefront is a bottleneck problem for a long period. In this paper, the CGH method is introduced to measure aspheric lens wavefront Power Spectral Density (PSD). With the help of modern lithography, large size and high precision CGH is manufactured, which can provide reference aspheric wavefront with high precision, thus realizing a high-precision measurement of the power spectrum density of the mid-spatial frequency wavefront of a large aperture and long focal length lens. Moreover, this method can greatly shorten the optical path and reduce the influence of vibration and air disturbance. By comparing the measurement results with the interference method, the accuracy and convenience of the CGH method are verified. Furthermore, the measurement uncertainty of mid-spatial frequency wavefront measurement of the aspheric lens using CGH is analyzed in detail. Theoretical analysis and practical testing results show that the measurement uncertainty RMS of mid-spatial wavefront PSD is less than 1nm RMS for an aspheric lens with over 30 m focal length and Φ410 mm clear aperture. %K 功率谱密度,干涉检测,计算全息法
Power Spectral Density %K Interference Measurement %K Computer-Generated Hologram (CGH) %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=59668