%0 Journal Article %T 电力改革背景下可再生能源侧的竞价策略
Bidding Strategy of Renewable Energy under the Background of New Electricity Market Reform %A 张林楠 %A 王宁 %J Advances in Energy and Power Engineering %P 113-123 %@ 2328-0506 %D 2022 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AEPE.2022.106015 %X 随着我国电力市场改革的不断深入,发电侧市场竞争日趋激烈。可再生能源发电商作为发电企业参与市场竞价的交易主体之一,想要在激烈的市场竞争中取得优势,需要不断调整其竞价策略,才能使企业自身获得最大收益。本文在了解我国电力市场竞价特点及可再生能源出力特性的基础上,对开放电力市场背景下发电侧多群体的竞价策略进行比较分析。基于政府提出的碳排放配额与可再生能源证书(REC)交易机制,建立电力市场交易双层模型,在考虑寡头电力市场条件下,传统燃煤企业通过购买可再生能源证书并将其转化为碳排放配额,同时可再生能源出力与典型的电转气(power-to-gas, P2G)合作,以求进一步提高利润。
With the continuous deepening of power market reforms, competition in the power generation market has become increasingly fierce. Renewable energy generators, as one of the trading subjects of power generation enterprises participating in market bidding, need to constantly adjust their bidding strategies to obtain the advantage in the fierce market competition, in order to maximize their own profits. In this paper, based on understanding the bidding characteristics of electric power market and the output characteristics of renewable energy, comparative analysis of multi-group bidding strategies in the background of open electric power market is made. Based on the carbon emission quota and renewable energy certificate trading mechanism proposed by the government, a two-tier power market transaction model is established. Taking into account the oligopoly power market conditions, traditional coal-fired generation companies purchase renewable energy certificates and convert them into carbon emissions. At the same time, renewable energy output cooper-ates with typical power-to-gas (P2G) in order to increase more profits. %K 可再生能源,出力特性,合作博弈
Renewable Energy %K Force Characteristic %K Game of Cooperation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=59691