%0 Journal Article %T 我国海洋生态文明研究文献综述
Literature Review of Study on Chinese Marine Ecological Civilization %A 邓绍云 %A 邱清华 %J Service Science and Management %P 63-72 %@ 2324-7916 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/SSEM.2023.121008 %X 本文采用文献综述的方法,对海洋生态文明的概念进行了准确的界定,对海洋生态文明的内涵进行了宽广的赋予。对我国海洋生态文明的文献进行了详细的调查与检索及分类和归纳总结,对我国海洋的探索研究的历史做出了详细的回顾,对海洋生态文明的研究进行了历史性回顾,指出了目前我国海洋生态文明的研究遗漏点和局限性。最后,乐观地展望了我国海洋生态文明的研究未来,为后续研究指明了切入点和展开方向。
In this paper, using the method of literature review, the concept of Marine Ecological Civilization had been accurately defined, and the connotation of Marine Ecological Civilization had been broadly endowed. And detailed investigation and retrieval and classification and summary of the literature on Marine Ecological Civilization in China had been carried out. And the history of Ocean exploration in China has been reviewed in detail, and the research on Marine Ecological Civilization had been reviewed historically. And the missing points and limitations of the current research on Marine Ecological Civilization in China had been pointed out. In the end, the future of research on Marine Ecological Civilization in China had been prospected optimistically, and the breakthrough point and development direction for follow-up research on Marine Ecological Civilization in China had been looked forward to also. %K 海洋生态文明,发展历程,文献综述,Marine Ecological Civilization %K Development Path %K Literature Review %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=60676