%0 Journal Article %T 乏燃料贮存格架结构改进设计研究
Research on Structural Improvement Design of Spent Fuel Storage Grid %A 陈广军 %A 王国民 %A 王健 %A 杨秀华 %J Nuclear Science and Technology %P 55-63 %@ 2332-712X %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/NST.2023.111006 %X 乏燃料贮存格架是后处理厂贮存水池用于接收离堆组件的重要设备,近年来地壳运动频繁,后处理厂对于乏燃料贮存设备的抗震性能提出了新要求,尤其是福岛地震后,各国将乏燃料水池的抗震设防烈度增大,地震载荷SL-2由0.209 g提升至0.309 g,对贮存格架有了更高的抗震要求。在保证原有贮存格架性能的基础上,对贮存格架进行了结构改进,对改进后的贮存格架在正常、异常和事故工况下进行了抗震性能分析。分析结果表明:优化改进后的贮存格架在抗震性能和贮存容量两方面都有很大提升。
Spent fuel storage framework is reprocessing plant storage pool used to receive from the pile of component important equipment. In recent years, because of frequent crustal movements, the reprocessing plant has put forward new requirements for the seismic performance of spent fuel storage equipment. Especially after the Fukushima earthquake, countries have increased the seismic forecasting intensity of spent fuel pools and increased the seismic load SL-2 from 0.209 g to 0.309 g, which has higher seismic requirements for storage grid. On the basis of ensuring the performance of the original storage lattice, the structure of the storage lattice was improved, and the seismic per-formance of the improved storage lattice under normal, abnormal and accident conditions was analyzed. The analysis results show that the seismic performance and storage capacity of the optimized storage lattice are greatly improved. %K 乏燃料,贮存格架,抗震分析,异常工况
Spent Fuel %K The Storage Framework %K Earthquake Resister Analysis %K Abnormal Condition %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=60573