%0 Journal Article %T 钩吻总生物碱对大鼠的长期毒性试验研究
Study on Long-Term Toxicity Test for Total Alkaloids of Gelsemium elegans on Rats %A 王潇 %A 郝华焘 %A 魏鑫 %A 梁嘉俊 %A 周英 %A 刘霞 %J Pharmacy Information %P 14-18 %@ 2160-4452 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/PI.2023.121003 %X 目的:对钩吻总生物碱进行长期毒性试验,评价钩吻总生物碱部位的安全性,为临床应用提供依据。方法:25只雌性大鼠随机分为5组,每组5只,分别标记为药物组和空白对照组。药物组根据用药剂量不同细分为1.10 mg/kg、0.80 mg/kg、0.50 mg/kg、0.20 mg/kg四个给药组。试验前,给药组和空白对照组禁食不禁水12 h,给药组每两日腹腔注射给药一次,空白对照组同等条件下腹腔注射等体积生理盐水。给药过程中,观察给药组是否有中毒反应,并记录大鼠死亡数目。30天后,采用10%水合氯醛麻醉之后脱颈椎处死大鼠,取肝、脾、肺、肾并观察各组脏器变化,制作石蜡切片,显微镜下观察其微细结构。结果:给药期间,1.10 mg/kg药物组在第4次给药和第5次给药时出现大鼠死亡现象,其他各给药组动物正常生长,未见死亡现象;大鼠解剖之后,各组器官从肉眼观察未发现异常;显微镜下观察,0.80 mg/kg及以下剂量药物未造成肝、脾、肺、肾组织的微观结构改变,但1.10 mg/kg药物可致上述四种器官不同程度损伤。
Objective: To evaluate the safety of total alkaloid sites of Gelsemium elegans by long-term toxicity test, and provide evidence for clinical application. Methods: Twenty-five female rats were randomly divided into five groups, which were labeled as drug group and blank control group respectively. According to different dosages, the drug group was divided into 1.10 mg/kg, 0.80 mg/kg, 0.50 mg/kg and 0.20 mg/kg groups. Before the test, the drug group and blank control group were fasting for 12 hours. The drug group was intraperitoneally injected once every two days, and the blank control group was intraperitoneally injected with an equal volume of normal saline under the same conditions. During administration, toxic reactions were observed in the administration group, and the number of deaths was recorded. After 30 days, the rats were anesthetized with 10% chloral hydrate and then sacrificed for cervical vertebra removal. The liver, spleen, lung and kidney were taken and the changes in organs in each group were observed. The paraffin sections were made and the fine structures were observed under the microscope. Results: During the administration period, the rats in the 1.10 mg/kg drug group died at the 4th and 5th doses, but the animals in the other dosing groups grew normally and no death was observed. After the rats were dissected, no abnormalities were found in the organs of each group from visual observation. Under microscope observation, 0.80 mg/kg and below did not cause the microscopic structure changes of liver, spleen, lung and kidney tissue, but 1.10 mg/kg could cause different degrees in damage to the four organs. %K 钩吻,总生物碱,长期毒性,大鼠
Gelsemium elegans %K Total Alkaloids %K Long Term Toxicity %K Rats %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=60448