%0 Journal Article %T 十二卷属多肉植物万象栽培技术研究
Study on Cultivation Technique of Haworthia maughanii %A 米敏 %A 陈银龙 %A 王娇阳 %A 洪霞 %A 刘也楠 %J Botanical Research %P 14-17 %@ 2168-5673 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/BR.2023.121003 %X 万象,为十二卷属多肉植物中生长较为缓慢的一个种类。经过多次对比试验,摸索出其生长需要的较为合理配比的种植基质,此外,需提供温和干燥及阳光充足的环境,掌握“生长季适时适量浇水,休眠期控制浇水”的原则,还需对其在夏季易发的蚧壳虫、根腐病等病虫害进行有效防治。
Maughanii is a relatively slow-growing species of the succulent plants. Through many contrast experiments, we found out a reasonable proportion of planting substrate for its growth, besides, we should provide a mild and dry environment with enough sunlight, and master the principle of “Appropriate watering during the growing season, control watering during the dormancy period”. It is also necessary to control effectively the insect pests such as scale insects and root rot, which are easy to occur in summer. %K 万象,栽培,技术
Maughanii %K Cultivation %K Technique %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=60318