%0 Journal Article %T NBPT和DMPP对氮肥在喀斯特土壤中迁移规律的影响
Effects of NBPT and DMPP on the Migration of Nitrogen Fertilizer in Karst Soil %A 田嫄 %A 张嘉佳 %A 谢富金 %A 蔡秋亮 %A 陆海姣 %A 熊小琼 %J Hans Journal of Soil Science %P 1-10 %@ 2329-7263 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/HJSS.2023.111001 %X 为了明确不同抑制剂对氮肥在喀斯特土壤迁移规律的影响,通过室内模拟土柱实验,在常温、30%水分条件下,本试验研究了尿素、氯化铵、硝酸钾与脲酶抑制剂N-丁基硫代磷酰三胺(NBPT)和硝化抑制剂3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐(DMPP)的不同组合配施下,土壤中可溶性氮含量和可溶性氮含量转换率的变化。结果表明:尿素 + NBPT、尿素 + DMPP、尿素 + NBPT + DMPP可溶性氮曲线分别在8 cm、11.5 cm、8.5 cm处开始下降,在可溶性氮含量上90天 > 30天 > 15天;氯化铵 + NBPT、氯化铵 + DMPP、氯化铵 + NBPT + DMPP相比与单施氯化铵可溶性氮含量分别增加14.7%、21.9%、1.9%;可溶性氮转换率尿素 + NBPT + DMPP最高达到13%,较单施尿素平均增加2%、氯化铵 + DMPP较单施氯化铵平均增加12.8%、单施硝酸钾可溶性氮转换率最高为16%。通过该试验结果可明确,施用一定量的抑制剂可以使土壤中可溶性氮的含量增加,延长氮素在土壤中分解的时间,增加迁移距离。
In order to understand the effect of different inhibitors on the migration of nitrogen fertilizer in karst soil, the indoor simulated soil column experiment was conducted, this experiment studied the changes in soluble nitrogen content and its conversion rate in soil under different combinations of urea, ammonium chloride, potassium nitrate and N-Butylthiophosphoryl Triamide (NBPT), a urease inhibitor, and 3,4-Dimethylpyrazole Phosphate (DMPP), a nitrification inhibitor. The results showed that the soluble nitrogen curves of urea + NBPT, urea + DMPP and urea + NBPT + DMPP began to decline at 8cm, 11.5cm and 8.5cm respectively, 90 days > 30 days > 15 days in soluble nitrogen con-tent; the soluble nitrogen content of ammonium chloride + NBPT, ammonium chloride + DMPP and ammonium chloride + NBPT + DMPP increased by 14.7%, 21.9% and 1.9% respectively compared with that of ammonium chloride alone; the highest soluble nitrogen conversion rate of urea + NBPT + DMPP was 13%, which was 2% higher than that of urea alone, 12.8% higher than that of ammo-nium chloride alone, and 16% higher than that of potassium nitrate alone. The results of this ex-periment can be clear that the application of a certain amount of inhibitors can increase the content of soluble nitrogen in the soil, prolong the decomposition time of nitrogen in the soil, and increase the migration distance. %K 氮肥,硝化抑制剂,脲酶抑制剂,可溶性氮,迁移
Nitrogen Fertilizer %K Nitrification Inhibitor %K Urease Inhibitor %K Soluble Nitrogen %K Migration %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=60369