%0 Journal Article %T 从大脑可塑性论阿尔茨海默病预防的非药物干预措施研究
Research on Non-Drug Intervention Measures for Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease from Brain Plasticity %A 卢裕淑 %A 殷婷婷 %A 车土玲 %A 蓝萍 %A 余春森 %A 苏裕盛 %J Hans Journal of Biomedicine %P 45-53 %@ 2161-8984 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/HJBM.2023.131005 %X 阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD)是当今全球的十大死因之一,并且没有治愈的方案,一旦患病只能采取干预措施来延缓病程。故此,积极采取AD的预防措施也是很有必要的。大脑可塑性主要是以海马体长期增强或衰退的形式来表现的。海马体的结构很容易受到神经可塑性的影响,结构发生改变后,大脑可能就表现出一些认知障碍的疾病。其中,可塑性是发生在突触水平。AD的发病机制与大脑神经可塑性之间具有紧密的联系。而大脑神经的可塑性其实是可以通过人们的一些日常行为来实现的。例如,音乐治疗、体育锻炼、冥想、社会交往等行为都可以在一定程度上对大脑神经进行重塑,增加新的突触,通过这些措施可以在一定程度上起到预防AD或是延缓AD发病的效果。因此本文将以AD的发病机理为基础,从而探讨出有关AD的预防和非药物干预措施。
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the top ten causes of death in the world today, and there is no cure. In case of illness, intervention can only be taken to delay the course of the disease. Therefore, it is also necessary to actively take AD preventive measures. The plasticity of the brain is mainly manifested in the form of long-term enhancement or decline of the hippocampus. The structure of the hippocampus is easily affected by neuroplasticity. After the structure changes, the brain may show some cognitive disorders. Among them, plasticity occurs at the synaptic level. There is a close relationship between the pathogenesis of AD and the plasticity of the brain nerve. The plasticity of brain nerves can actually be achieved through some daily behaviors of people. For example, music therapy, physical exercise, meditation, social interaction and other behaviors can reshape the brain nerves to a certain extent and add new synapses. These measures can prevent AD or delay the onset of AD to a certain extent. Therefore, this article will be based on the pathogenesis of AD, so as to explore the prevention and non-drug intervention measures of AD. %K 阿尔茨海默病,大脑可塑性,非药物干预
Alzheimer’s Disease %K Brain Plasticity %K Non-Drug Interventions %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=60328