%0 Journal Article %T 消费者苹果质量安全认知及影响因素分析-—以陕西省为例
Analysis of Influence Factors of Apple Consumer Quality and Safety Cognition—Taking Shaanxi Province as an Example %A 孙佳佳 %A 张思瑶 %J World Journal of Forestry %P 21-26 %@ 2169-2440 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WJF.2023.121006 %X 本文利用陕西省消费者实地调研数据,运用probit模型,从微观消费视角,分析影响苹果质量安全的主要因素,结果表明:消费者年龄、月收入和苹果的新鲜程度、农药残留、化肥使用、裹蜡和激素催熟等7个因素对消费者苹果质量安全认知有显著影响。而消费者的性别、家庭人口数量、学历和苹果转基因等因素影响不显著。依据研究结果提出可行性建议,促进陕西省苹果产业的健康持续发展,提升陕西省苹果产业的市场竞争力。
This paper applies the probit model to analyze main factors affecting the quality and safety of apple by using the field survey data of consumers in Shaanxi province, from the perspectives of micro-consumption. The results show that age, monthly income, freshness of apple, pesticide residue, fertilizer use, wax coating and hormone ripening have significant effects on consumer’s cognition of apple quality and safety. However, factors such as sex of consumers, number of family members, educational background and apple transgenic are not significant. According to the results, feasible suggestions are put forward to promote the sustaina-ble development of apple industry and to enhance the market competitiveness of apple industry in Shaanxi Province. %K 质量安全认知,Probit模型,影响因素
Quality and Safety Cognition %K Probit Model %K Influence Factors %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=60310