%0 Journal Article %T 园林绿化施工中的反季节种植技术
Off-Season Planting Technology in Landscaping Construction %A 杨杰 %J World Journal of Forestry %P 1-5 %@ 2169-2440 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WJF.2023.121001 %X 园林绿化是城市建设规划的重要组成部分,能够发挥美化城市环境的作用。目前,传统的季节性园林绿化施工技术已无法满足城市园林绿化建设的要求,在园林绿化施工中常应用反季节种植技术。相关部门需按照城市园林建设的要求,合理运用反季节种植技术。本文就园林绿化施工中的反季节种植技术进行了探讨,以期使植物的栽种不受季节限制,打造更好的城市景观效果。
Landscape is an important part of urban construction planning, can play a role in beautifying the urban envi-ronment. At present, the traditional seasonal garden greening construction technology can not meet the requirements of urban garden greening construction, in the garden greening construction, anti-seasonal planting technology is often used. The relevant departments should make rational use of off-season planting technology in accordance with the requirements of urban garden construction. In this paper, the anti-season planting technology in the construction of landscaping is discussed, in order to make the planting of plants not restricted by season, and to create better urban landscape effect. %K 园林绿化,施工,反季节种植技术
Landscaping %K Construction %K Off-Season Planting Technology %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=59994