%0 Journal Article %T 多名人代言背景下组合契合度对感知品牌定位清晰度的影响——准社会关系的中介作用
The Effect of Portfolio Fit on Perceived Brand Positioning Clarity in the Context of Multiple Celebrity Endorsements—Mediating Role of Parasocial Relationalships %A 刘东胜 %A 何徐颖 %J Modern Marketing %P 1-13 %@ 2160-7370 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MOM.2023.131001 %X 当代营销背景下,品牌多名人代言的现象已屡见不鲜;然而,组合代言的效果却参差不齐。为了探究其中的作用机制,本研究基于准社会关系,从外表吸引和社会吸引这两种吸引类型出发,探究名人代言背景下组合契合度与品牌定位清晰度之间的关系,并且研究不同组合契合度与品牌定位清晰度之间的影响差异和影响路径。研究发现:品牌多名人代言背景下,组合契合度对品牌定位清晰度存在积极的正向作用,准社会关系在该机制中起中介作用。不同组合契合度类型对其影响存在显著差异,具体为:社会吸引型 > 外表吸引型 > 混合吸引型。本研究还将产品类型纳入考量范围,发现研究假设无论在身份象征型还是非身份象征型产品中均成立,说明本研究结果具有一定的普适性。
In the contemporary marketing context, it is common for brands to work with multiple endorsers. However, the effect of combination endorsement is uneven. In order to investigate the mechanisms involved, this study investigates the relationship between portfolio fit and brand positioning clarity in the context of celebrity endorsement based on two types of attraction, namely appearance attraction and social attraction, and examines the differences and paths of influence between different portfolio fit and brand positioning clarity. The study found that there is a positive effect of portfolio fit on brand positioning clarity in the context of multiple celebrity endorsements for the brand, with Parasocial Relationalships playing a mediating role in this relationship mechanism. There are significant differences in the impact of different port-folio fit types, specifically: social attraction > appearance attraction > mixed attraction. This study also takes product type into consideration and finds that the research hypothesis holds for both status symbolic and non-identity symbolic products, indicating that the results of this study are somewhat generalizable. %K 品牌多名人代言,组合契合度,品牌定位清晰度,准社会关系,社会吸引,外表吸引
Multiple Celebrity Endorsement for Brand %K Portfolio Fit %K Brand Position Clarity %K Parasocial Relationalships %K Social Attraction %K Appearance Attraction %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=61090