%0 Journal Article %T 觉醒与围困:试析刘索拉《女贞汤》
Awakening and Siege: An Analysis of Nv Zhen Tang by Liu Sola %A 李唯 %J World Literature Studies %P 1-5 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WLS.2023.111001 %X “先锋派”作家刘索拉的长篇小说《女贞汤》通过虚构的方式,隐喻了一个民族的百年历史。在这场宏大叙事中,作者重点着墨在历史中的女性和她们人生遭际,塑造了一系列丰富的女性形象,表现出其强烈的女性意识;同时也体现了女性的困境,以及被历史阶级围困的无奈。
The novel Nv Zhen Tang written by Liu Sola, a pioneer writer, metaphors a century-long history of a nation through fiction. In this grand narrative, the author focuses on the women in history and their life experiences. Through creating a series of rich female images, the author shows her strong female consciousness, but at the same time, it also reflects the plight of women and the helplessness of being besieged by history, class and background. %K 女性主义,女性意识,刘索拉,《女贞汤》
Feminism %K Female Consciousness %K Liu Suola %K Nv Zhen Tang %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=61047