%0 Journal Article %T 西尔维娅•普拉斯诗歌中童年创伤后延性书写
Childhood Traumatic-Belatedness Writing in Sylvia Plath’s Poetry %A 王翠文 %A 王艳文 %J World Literature Studies %P 6-9 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WLS.2023.111002 %X 在著名自白派诗歌代表西尔维娅?普拉斯短暂的一生中,其童年经历为她的创作与书写提供了源源不断的素材与灵感。然而,读者也在感受普拉斯斐然才华的同时品味到了她深切的童年创伤——幼年失怙、母亲忽视。加之后来失败的婚姻,尽管西尔维娅?普拉斯对生活与创作展现出了坚强的意志与绝对的热忱,她的童年创伤从未被真正治愈或隐匿,而是以一种难以抵挡的力量不断重现,侵蚀着普拉斯的意志以及她做出的种种努力,在她的诗歌中其童年创伤的后延性书写也比比皆是。
In the ephemeral life of Sylvia Plath, the famous representative of Confessional poetry, her child-hood experiences provided a steady stream of material and inspiration for her creation and writing. When reading her poetry, readers can also experience her brilliant talent and have an understanding of her deep childhood trauma—the loss of her father, and emotional neglect from her mother. Despite Sylvia Plath’s strong will and absolute passion for life and literary creation, her childhood trauma seemed never to be truly healed or hidden, instead, it continued appearing with an irresistible force, especially after the failure of marriage, which erodes her will and efforts. And the traumatic-belatedness of childhood trauma is easily found in her poetry. %K 西尔维娅• %K 普拉斯,创伤,后延性书写
Sylvia Plath %K Trauma %K Belatedness Writing %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=61104