%0 Journal Article %T 传染的阉割——小说《无声告白》的悲剧成因
Infectious Castration—Exploration of the Causes of the Family Tragedy in Everything I Never Told You %A 李虹仪 %A 康有金 %J World Literature Studies %P 10-15 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WLS.2023.111003 %X 美籍华裔女作家伍绮诗的处女作《无声告白》成为2014亚马逊年度最佳图书第1名小说绝非偶然,它是亚裔–欧美混血家庭悲剧的缩影。阉割焦虑是小说所讲述的詹姆斯一家家庭中存在的主要问题,而且在这个家庭中阉割具有强烈的传染性。除了小女儿汉娜以外每位家庭成员都是这个链条上的实施者和承受者。他们互相阉割,互相伤害,这是家庭悲剧产生的根源。
It is a wonder that Everything I Never Told You, the first novel by Celeste Ng, who covered it within 6 years time, was on top of the best-sellers of the Amazon Books in 2014. The novel is a miniature of the family tragedy of an Asian-Euro-American cross-racial family. Castration Anxiety is the main problem of the Lees. Besides, it is rather infectious like a chain. On this very chain, each member of the family is either castrating or being castrated or both, with the younger daughter, Hannah an exception. They castrate one another, hurting each other and themselves. These lead to their family tragedy. %K 《无声告白》,阉割,传染式阉割,悲剧成因
Everything I Never Told You %K Castration %K Infectious Castration %K Causes of Tragedy %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=61105