%0 Journal Article %T 水情信息报送统计考评系统设计与应用
Design and Application of Statistical Evaluation System for Hydrologic Information Exchange %A 张怡雯 %A 朱冰 %J Journal of Water Resources Research %P 1-6 %@ 2166-5982 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %X 为进一步提升全国报汛报旱站点的实时信息、预报信息、统计信息及防汛抗旱特征值信息报送质量,设计开发了水情信息报送统计考评系统。该系统采用前后端分离技术、B/S架构,定时任务、多线程并行的设计开发方式。系统能较为直观的展示各单位水情信息报送数量、时效性和考评得分,具有较好的可扩展性及安全性,便于发现信息报送中出现的问题并及时对考核结果进行通告。水情信息报送系统以报送的雨水情信息情况为基础,辅以统计分析,完成了安全认证,实现了雨水情信息报送实时统计,加强了水情信息报送监管,确保了水旱灾害防御工作正常开展。
In order to improve the quality of hydrologic information, which submitted by water administrative departments and relevant units, it is necessary to construct a visual hydrologic information exchange system. The system has been developed with the front and rear separation technology, B/S architecture, timed tasks which can improve the efficiency and security of hydrologic information. The statistical analysis software runs the statistics in a multi thread parallel manner, which can speed up the statistics of the actual submission and task assessment of each unit, timely detection of problems, and announces assessment results. The system realizes the safety certification of the hydrologic information exchange system. Based on the submission of hydrologic information, supplemented by statistical analysis, it strengthens the supervision of hydrologic information submission and ensures the normal development of flood and drought disaster prevention. %K 智慧水利,水情信息,设计应用
Intelligent Water Conservancy %K Hydrologic Information %K Design and Application %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=61193