%0 Journal Article %T 在线冲动性购买对消费者决策逆转的影响路径探究
Study on the Impact of Online Impulsive Buying on the Reversal of Consumer Decisions %A 李心迪 %A 陈亚荣 %J Modern Marketing %P 14-22 %@ 2160-7370 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/MOM.2023.131002 %X 随着电子商务的不断发展,人们在线上的消费行为也受到越来越多的关注。网络购物在带给商家和消费者极大便利性的同时,也带给了他们新的挑战和困难:冲动性购买在满足了消费者享乐需求的同时,也带给了他们债务和后悔;退货服务很大程度上帮助商家赢得了口碑,但也会带来很高的处理成本……在冲动性购买方面,以往的研究更多注重在影响冲动性购买的前因上,关于在线冲动性购买后产生的负面情绪研究较少;而在决策逆转方面,以往的研究更多注重企业主体的宏观角度,关于个体角度的微观研究较少。基于以上几个方面,本研究将探究在线冲动型购买行为及其购后消极情绪对消费者决策逆转的影响,并引入大五人格中神经质特质探究其调节作用。本文首先回顾了以往的文献,根据前人的成果对在线冲动型购买、购后情绪、决策逆转、人格特质几个变量信息进行了整理和总结,并提出假设,建立了实验模型。接着,本文依据前人成熟的量表设计了研究问卷,并进行分发和收集,共收到问卷308份。最后,本文使用SPSS进行了描述性分析、信效度分析、中介效应及调节效应检验并得出了结论。
With the continuous development of e-commerce, people’s online consumption behavior has also received more and more attention. While online shopping has brought great convenience to merchants and consumers, it has also brought them new challenges and difficulties: impulse buying has not only satisfied consumers’ enjoyment needs, but also brought them debts and regrets; returns The service has helped merchants to win a lot of praise, but it will also bring high processing costs… in terms of impulse buying, previous research has paid more attention to the impact of impulse purchases on online impulse buying. Later research on negative emotions was less; in the aspect of decision reversal, previous research paid more attention to the macro perspective of corporate entities, and less micro research on individual perspectives. Based on the above aspects, this study will explore the impact of online impulse buying behavior and post-purchase negative emotions on consumer decision reversal, and introduce the neurotic traits in the Big Five personality to explore its regulating effect. This article first reviews the previous literature, according to the previous results, sorted and summarized several variables of online impulse purchases, post-purchase emotions, decision reversal, and personality traits, and put forward hypotheses and established experimental models. Next, we designed a research questionnaire based on the mature scales of our predecessors, and distributed and collected it. A total of 308 questionnaires were received. Finally, we used SPSS to perform descriptive analysis, reliability and validity analysis, mediation effects, and regulatory effects tests and reached conclusions. %K 在线冲动性购买,购后情绪,决策逆转,大五人格
Impulse Buying Online %K Post-Purchase Emotion %K Decision Reversal %K Big Five Personality %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=61246