%0 Journal Article %T 水土保持技术综合评价模型的建立与应用
The Establishment and Application of Comprehensive Evaluation Model for Soil and Water Conservation Technology %A 陈冰洁 %A 胡小宁 %J International Journal of Ecology %P 45-50 %@ 2324-7975 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/IJE.2023.121006 %X 长期以来缺乏有效的、合理的水土保持技术评价指标体系和评价模型,影响水土保持技术经验总结和技术的推广。本文以陕北黄土高原水土保持技术为依托,综合考虑不同技术的共性特征,按照技术研发、应用、推广的过程,建立了水土保持技术评价二级指标体系,并借助于层次分析法构建了水土保持技术综合评价模型,同时可以实现技术四个基本维度的评价。并利用米脂县高西沟村水土保持技术的调研数据验证了模型的适用性。
There is no effective and reasonable evaluation index system and evaluation model for soil and water conservation technology for a long time, which affects the experience summary of soil and water conservation technology and the promotion of technology. Based on the soil and water con-servation technology in the Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi, taking into account the common characteristics of different technologies, the paper established a secondary index system for the evaluation of soil and water conservation technology according to the process of technology de-velopment, application and promotion, and constructed a comprehensive evaluation model of soil and water conservation technology with Analytic Hierarchy Process, which could also achieve the evaluation of four basic dimensions of technology. The applicability of the evaluation model was verified by the survey data of soil and water conservation technology in Gaoxigou Village, Mizhi County. %K 水土保持技术,指标体系,评价模型,层次分析法
Soil and Water Conservation Technology %K Index System %K Evaluation Model %K Analytic Hierarchy Process %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=61297