%0 Journal Article %T 环保管家服务模式应用于西南地区油气田开发中的探索
Exploration on Application of Environmental Housekeeper Service Model in the Oil and Gas Field Development in Southwest China %A 徐瑞 %A 向力 %A 唐凯 %A 李棋 %J International Journal of Ecology %P 51-57 %@ 2324-7975 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/IJE.2023.121007 %X 西南地区常规天然气、页岩气资源丰富,是我国重要的天然气产区,气田开发多以“整体部署,滚动实施,接替稳产”方式建设,具有分布区域广、建设内容多、开发周期长,污染源分散等特点,西南地区人口密度大、生态环境敏感脆弱,本文结合西南地区气田开发环境影响特点,探索出一套适合气田开发全过程的环保管家服务框架,以期在西南地区气田开发过程中予以推广,更好地减少西南地区气田开发对区域环境的影响,实现绿色矿山的生态理念。
Southwest China is rich in conventional natural gas and shale gas resources, which is an important natural gas-producing area in China. Gas field development is mostly constructed in the mode of “overall deployment, rolling implementation and replacement of stable production”, which has the characteristics of wide distribution area, multiple construction contents, long development cycle and dispersed pollution sources. Southwest China is characterized by large population density and fragile ecological environment. Based on the environmental impact characteristics of gas field development in southwest China, this paper explores a set of environmental protection man-agement service framework suitable for the whole process of gas field development, in order to promote it in the process of gas field development in southwest China. The ecological concept of green mine can be realized by reducing the influence of gas field development on regional envi-ronment in southwest China. %K 西南地区,油气田开发,环保管家,服务框架
Southwest Region %K Oil and Gas Field Development %K Environmental Housekeeper %K Service Framework %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=61300