%0 Journal Article %T “双碳”目标下国家湿地公园建设后评价指标体系构建及应用
Construction and Application of Post-Construction Evaluation Index System of National Wetland Park under the “Dual Carbon” Goal %A 侯建丽 %A 魏子谦 %A 杜明凯 %A 毕嘉思 %A 袁晓玲 %J International Journal of Ecology %P 111-121 %@ 2324-7975 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/IJE.2023.121014 %X 湿地是陆地上碳素积累速度最快的自然生态系统,拥有卓越的碳汇能力,是重要的“储碳库”和“吸碳器”。保护好湿地资源,是实现“双碳”目标的有效路径。国家湿地公园是我国湿地保护修复的创新实践和重要抓手,但由于起步较晚仍处于探索和完善阶段,湿地公园的评估指标体系也多围绕试点验收予以设置,对于进入常态化考核,表征有效管理、可持续利用和碳汇能力的指标尚不完善。本文首次将湿地生态系统碳汇能力指标纳入国家湿地公园建设后评价指标体系,探索构建规划与计划实施、湿地资源保护、科普宣教与档案管理、机构建设与制度保障、可持续利用、湿地碳汇能力等构成的6个一级指标、27个二级指标,并以西藏江萨国家湿地公园为例进行评估应用。
Wetland is a natural ecosystem with the fastest carbon accumulation rate on land. It has excellent carbon sink ability and is an important “carbon storage” and “carbon absorber”. Protecting wetland resources is an effective way to achieve the goal of “dual carbon” goal. National Wetland Park is an innovative practice and an important starting point for wetland protection and restoration in our country. However, due to the late start, it is still in the stage of exploration and improvement, and the evaluation index system of wetland park is also set around the pilot acceptance. For the normalization assessment, the indicators representing effective management, sustainable use and carbon sink capacity are not perfect. In this paper, for the first time, the index of wetland ecosystem carbon sink capacity is included in the post-construction evaluation index system of National Wetland Park, and 6 first-level indicators and 27 second-level indicators are explored, which are composed of planning and plan implementation, wetland resource protection, science populariza-tion education and archives management, institution construction and system guarantee, sus-tainable utilization and wetland carbon sink capacity. The evaluation and application are carried out by taking Jiangsa National Wetland Park for example. %K “双碳”目标,国家湿地公园,后评价指标体系,湿地碳汇能力
“Dual Carbon” Goal %K National Wetland Park %K The Post-Evaluation Index System %K Wetland Carbon Sink Capacity %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=61985