%0 Journal Article %T 人工智能时代的规训与局部反抗——从福柯的权力理论看《我这样的机器》
Discipline and Partial Resistance in the Age of Artificial Intelligence—Interpretation of Machines Like Me from the Perspective of Foucault’s Power Theory %A 赵泽聪 %J World Literature Studies %P 35-40 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WLS.2023.111007 %X 伊恩?麦克尤恩的《我这样的机器》描写了查理与其所购机器人亚当之间围绕科技、知识与罪责展开的有形与无形的权力对抗。文章利用福柯的权力理论,审视在人工智能高度发达的世界,规训权力对机械肉体的双向驯服与规训、生命权力的统治形式以及人工智能的局部反抗。另外,亚当作为顶尖的人工智能所作出的一系列反抗的行为在解放肉体与灵魂的同时却也难以真正摆脱权力束缚。
Ian McEwan’s Machines Like Me tells the tangible and intangible power confrontation between Charlie and his purchased robot Adam, centering on technology, knowledge and guilt. This essay employs Foucault’s theory of power to discuss the two-way taming and discipline of the mechanical body by discipline power in a world where artificial intelligence is highly developed, the rule of life power, and the partial resistance of artificial intelligence. In addition, Adam’s series of defiant behaviors as a top artificial intelligence liberates his body and soul, but it is still difficult for him to truly get rid of the shackles of power. %K 《我这样的机器》,人工智能,权力,局部反抗
Machines Like Me %K Artificial Intelligence %K Power %K Partial Resistance %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=61643