%0 Journal Article %T 挣扎与无助——《克拉拉与太阳》中未来世界人类的伦理困境
Struggle and Helplessness—Ethical Dilemmas of Human Beings in the Future World in Clara and the Sun %A 龚清阳 %A 陈尧 %J World Literature Studies %P 41-46 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WLS.2023.111008 %X 石黑一雄的小说《克拉拉与太阳》聚焦科幻题材,讲述了机器人克拉拉与小女孩乔西之间的故事。小说中,未来世界的面貌发生了巨大的改变,人类普遍面临着各自的伦理困境:基因编辑技术的出现使人类有了更好的选择,但是否应该进行基因“提升”却也成了一大难题;机器人的出现无疑是一大进步,却也使人们面临是否应该用其来替代人类的两难抉择;科技的飞速发展给人类的生活带来了极大的便利,却也使人类渐渐对自身失去信心、开始陷入自我欺骗的泥潭。故事发生在未来,问题却在当下,而处理科技飞速发展带来的种种问题,需要全体人类的共同探索。
Kazuo Ishiguro’s Clara and the Sun focuses on science fiction and tells the story of a robot Clara and a girl named Josie. In the novel, the scenes of the future world have undergone great changes, and human beings are generally faced with their own ethical dilemmas: the emergence of gene editing technology makes human beings have better choices, but whether to carry out gene “upgrading” has become a big problem; The appearance of robots is undoubtedly a great progress, but it also makes people face the dilemma of whether to use them to replace human beings; The rapid development of science and technology has brought great convenience to human life, but it also makes people gradually lose confidence in themselves and begin to fall into the quagmire of self-deception. The story takes place in the future, but the problem is in the present. Dealing with the problems brought by the rapid development of science and technology requires the joint exploration of all human beings. %K 《克拉拉与太阳》,伦理困境,机器人,自我欺骗
Clara and the Sun %K Ethical Dilemma %K Robot %K Self-Deception %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=61646