%0 Journal Article %T 危机与重生——智商、情商、财商视域下《基督山伯爵》解读
Crisis and Renascence—An Interpretation of the Count of Monte Cristo from the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Emotional Intelligence and Financial Intelligence %A 唐琼 %A 康有金 %J World Literature Studies %P 47-53 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WLS.2023.111009 %X 《基督山伯爵》是法国著名作家亚历山大?仲马久负盛名的小说。当前学者对该小说的研究多数集中在复仇主题,对智商、情商和财商视角的关注较少。智商、情商、财商是近年来心理学中广受关注的三个重要概念,既相互区别又相互联系:智商是情商和财商发展的必要前提和基础,情商又是培养财商的基础。经典浪漫主义作品《基督山伯爵》中的主人公基督山伯爵从绝望和危机中挽回生命,获得自由;在失败的爱情中认识自我,获得精神重生;从监狱逃犯蜕变为震撼法国名流界的伯爵,惩恶扬善,成功复仇,维护社会公平正义,实现财富的激活和轮回。
Influential French writer Alexandre Dumas’s prestigious novel The Count of Monte Cristo has re-ceived attention from home and abroad on the theme of vengeance. However, few analyses have focused on the theory of multiple intelligences, emotional intelligence and financial intelligence, which are key concepts in psychology. They are closely related but differ from each other. Multiple intelligences are the premier and basis of emotional intelligence and financial intelligence, and so do emotional intelligence to financial intelligence. The Count of Monte Cristo in classic romantic novel The Count of Monte Cristo has reborn from desperation and crisis, got spiritual rebirth from his love, and becomes an influential count from an escaped criminal. He has successfully revenged, praised virtue and punished vice. By protecting social justice, he has also activated wealth. %K 基督山伯爵,智商,情商,财商
The Count of Monte Cristo %K Intelligences %K Emotional Intelligence %K Financial Intelligence %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=61648