%0 Journal Article %T 反战与和平:战争诗歌中的“含混”探析
Anti-War and Peace: An Analysis of “Ambiguity” in War Poetry %A 杜雅禛 %A 王艳文 %J World Literature Studies %P 54-58 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WLS.2023.111010 %X 战争诗歌是英美文学史上的重要组成部分,这些诗歌展现出战争的残酷和血腥,传达出诗人的反战思想。文章基于威廉?燕卜荪对“含混”的划分,从语言结构、读者心理和作者意图三重维度分析诗歌中反战思想的“含混”表达。
War poetry plays an important role in the history of English and American literature, which shows the cruelty and bloodshed of wars and conveys the poets’ anti-war ideas. Based on the classification of “ambiguity” by William Empson, the expression of anti-war ideas in the war poetry will be analyzed from three dimensions: language structure, readers’ psychology and author’s writing intention. %K 含混,战争诗歌,反战思想
Ambiguity %K War Poetry %K Anti-War Ideas %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=61650