%0 Journal Article %T 萨特存在主义视角下《品质》中格斯勒兄弟的人生悲剧解读
An Interpretation of Gessler Brothers’ Life Tragedy in Quality from the Perspective of Sartre’s Existentialism %A 王佳 %A 王艳文 %J World Literature Studies %P 59-62 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WLS.2023.111011 %X 高尔斯华绥是英国著名小说家和剧作家,与威尔斯、贝内特一同被誉为20世纪英国现实主义三杰。《品质》是其著名短篇小说之一。这部作品虽篇幅短小但意义深远。其描述了在资本主义经济发展之下,技术进步和行业垄断给传统手工业者所带来的生存危机。本文以萨特存在主义为视角,从世界的荒诞、自欺和自由选择三个方面对格斯勒兄弟的人生悲剧进行解读,剖析外部环境和自身因素如何导致格斯勒兄弟二人的悲惨结局。
Galsworthy is a prominent English novelist and playwright. Galsworthy, Wells and Bennett are claimed as three masters of realism in the twentieth century in England. Quality is one of his famous short stories. This work is short in length, however, it has profound significance. This story depicts traditional handicrafts’ survival crises, which are brought about by technological progress and trade monopoly with the development of the capitalist economy. Based on the perspective of Sartre’s existentialism, this paper interprets Gessel brothers’ life tragedy from the following three aspects: an absurd world, self-deception and free choice, and analyzes how the external circumstances and internal factors led to their miserable ending. %K 《品质》,萨特存在主义,格斯勒兄弟,人生悲剧
Quality %K Sartre’s Existentialism %K Gessler Brother %K Life Tragedy %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=61655