%0 Journal Article %T 野生驼背笛鲷亲本营养强化技术研究
The Parental Disease Control and Nutritional Enhancement of Lutjanus gibbus %A 岳彦峰 %A 彭士明 %A 蒋科技 %A 苏志星 %A 王孝杉 %A 杨立国 %J Adances in Marine Sciences %P 1-4 %@ 2376-4279 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/AMS.2023.101001 %X 驼背笛鲷作为一种具有重要开发潜力的经济品种,由于其资源的群体数量不稳定,捕获量呈现具有明显的季节性变化,市场上供不应求。要想满足市场的供给量,实现规模化育苗及工厂化养殖是唯一途径。为了达到规模化人工育苗,就需实现优质受精卵的充足供应,其前提是保证足够亲本数量及性腺发育良好,持续稳定的供应优质受精卵。
As an economic variety with important de-velopment potential of Lutjanus gibbus, it has obvious seasonal changes due to the instability of its group resources, and the demand in the market exceeds the supply. In order to meet the market supply, the only way to achieve large-scale seedling breeding and factory breeding is. In order to achieve large-scale artificial seedling breeding, it is necessary to achieve sufficient supply of high-quality fertilized eggs, the premise is to ensure sufficient good number of parents and gonad development, continuous and stable supply of high- quality fertilized eggs. %K 驼背笛鲷,病害防控,营养强化
Lutjanus gibbus %K Disease Control %K Nutritional Enhancement %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=62020