%0 Journal Article %T 页岩气大容量水池损伤快速修复方法与应用
Rapid Repair Method and Application of Shale Gas Large Capacity Pool Damage %A 何焱 %A 邓勇 %A 李强 %A 徐天源 %A 汪洋 %A 何明星 %J Journal of Oil and Gas Technology %P 1-7 %@ 2471-7207 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JOGT.2023.451001 %X 页岩气从钻井至生产阶段全过程都在循环使用水池,水池前期作为岩屑池使用,后期修复后作为储存返排液使用。而在前期岩屑使用挖机装载过程中,大概率会对水池造成了损伤。页岩气水池作为后期储存、转输使用时,水池的损伤对周边居民的正常生活造成较大影响,存在一定的安全隐患,且有较大的环境污染风险。考虑到新建水池建设费用高、协调难度大等问题,本文提出了一种页岩气大容量水池快速修复方法,根据大量工程应用案例分析,该方法非常适合于山区页岩气勘探开发所建大容量的水池修复,该修复方法有工程建设工期短、工程投资少、施工便捷快速等诸多优点。
Shale gas is recycled in the whole process from drilling to production. The pool is used as a rock cutting pool in the early stage and as a storage flow back fluid after repair. However, in the early stage of loading rock cuttings with excavator, the pool may be damaged. When the shale gas pool is used for later storage and transmission, the damage of the pool will have a great impact on the normal life of the surrounding residents, and there are certain potential safety hazards, as well as a large risk of environmental pollution. Considering the high cost of new pool construction and the difficulty of coordination, this paper proposes a rapid repair method for large capacity pool of shale gas. According to the analysis of a large number of engineering application cases, this method is very suitable for the repair of large capacity pool built for shale gas exploration and development in mountain areas. This repair method has many advantages, such as short construction period, low project investment, convenient and fast construction, etc. %K 页岩气水池,损伤,修复
Shale Gas Pool %K Damage %K Repair %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=62088