%0 Journal Article %T 川西气田海相超深水平井成像测井工艺研究
Study on Imaging Logging Technology of Marine Ultra Deep Horizontal Wells in West Sichuan Gas Field %A 张正玉 %A 樊靖宇 %A 刘殿清 %J Journal of Oil and Gas Technology %P 8-15 %@ 2471-7207 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JOGT.2023.451002 %X 川西气田海相超深碳酸盐岩气藏是四川盆地的重要油气勘探开发目标,但超深、高温高压、高含硫和井壁稳定性差等复杂井况一直制约着水平井成像测井资料数据采集,对气藏评价和产能建设产生了严重影响。本文针对性地开展了应对川西气田海相超深水平井复杂井况的成像测井仪器和配套工具研究,研制了高强度高温高压偶极声波和灯笼体电成像测井仪器及大功率泵下枪和高强度可调金属扶正器超深水平井成像测井配套工具,建立了安全、高效、可靠川西气田海相超深水平井成像测井工艺,形成的川西气田海相超深水平井成像测井工艺取得了良好的现场应用效果,具有广阔的应用和推广前景。
The ultra deep carbonate gas reservoir in West Sichuan Gas Field is an important target for oil and gas exploration and development in Sichuan Basin, but the complex well conditions such as ultra deep, high temperature high pressure (HTHP), high sulfur content and poor wellbore stability have always restricted the data acquisition of imaging logging data in horizontal well, which has a serious impact on gas reservoir evaluation and productivity construction. This paper focuses on the research of imaging logging tools and matching tools to deal with the complex well conditions of marine ultra deep horizontal wells in West Sichuan Gas Field, develops the rigid HTHP dipole acoustic wave and lantern structure electric imaging logging tools, high-power pump gun and high strength adjustable metal centralizer imaging logging tools for ultra deep horizontal wells, and establishes a safe, efficient and reliable imaging logging technology for marine ultra deep horizontal wells in West Sichuan Gas Field. The imaging logging technology for marine ultra deep horizontal wells in West Sichuan Gas Field has achieved good field application results and has broad application and promotion prospects. %K 川西气田,超深水平井,成像测井,测井工艺,配套工具
West Sichuan Gas Field %K Ultra Deep Horizontal Well %K Imaging Logging %K Logging Technology %K Supporting Tools %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=62089