%0 Journal Article %T 阿特伍德小说《珀涅罗珀记》的脸面性解读
Interpretation of The Penelopiad with Faciality %A 凌静 %A 康有金 %J World Literature Studies %P 69-74 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WLS.2023.111013 %X “脸”是德勒兹和伽塔里的哲学核心。它是由经济发展和权利结构变化造成的结果。《珀涅罗珀记》中珀涅罗珀和求婚者自觉拥护“脸”员的身份,他们为保护自身利益把女仆推向台前。女仆不仅成为群体的“替罪羊”,更成为“脸面性”的牺牲品。海伦为解除“脸”的桎梏提供了希望的曙光,她看似特立独行的做法恰恰使她免遭“脸”的制约。《珀涅罗珀记》警示人们,要想摆脱脸面性机器的制约必须追求个性的解放与自由,找寻主体的能动性。
Face is at the heart of Deleuze and Gattari’s philosophy. It is the result of economic development and changes in the structure of power. In The Penelopiad, Penelope and the suitors pursue the identity of face members. To protect their own interests, they push the maids to the front of the stage. The maid not only becomes the scapegoat of the group, but also the victim of the machine of faciality. Helen provides a ray of hope for the release of the shackles of face, and her seemingly maverick approach precisely saves her from the constraints of face. The Penelopiad warns that in order to escape from the constraints of the machine of faciality, we must pursue the liberation and freedom of individuality and find subjectivity. %K 《珀涅罗珀记》,脸面性,解读
The Penelopiad %K Faciality %K Interpretation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=61662