%0 Journal Article %T 基于二硒化铌的1.5 μm被动调Q光纤激光器
1.5 μm Passively Q-Switched Fiber Laser Based on Niobium Diselenide %A 郭伟钦 %A 肖晓晟 %A 李星星 %A 张玲 %J Optoelectronics %P 1-7 %@ 2164-5469 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OE.2023.131001 %X 采用液相剥离法制备了具有优异的非线性光学响应、宽工作带宽的二硒化铌可饱和吸收体。将该可饱和吸收体应用到1.5 μm光纤激光器中实现了被动调Q运转。在泵浦功率125 mW时,此时调Q激光脉冲宽度4.1 μs,重复频率39.6 kHz,输出功率3.27 mW。随着泵浦功率增大时,激光脉冲宽度下降,重复频率上升。泵浦功率达到350 mW时,获得重复频率最大78.4 kHz,脉冲宽度最小2.3 μs,此时激光中心波长1559.9 nm,输出功率可达7.03 mW。其结果说明,二硒化铌是一种优良的光学材料,在超快非线性光学中具有重要的应用前景。
The niobium diselenide saturable absorber with wide working bandwidth and excellent nonlinear optical response was prepared by liquid phase exfoliation. The niobium diselenide saturable absorber is applied to 1.5 μm fiber laser to realize passively Q-switched operation. When the pump power is 125 mW, the laser output power is 3.27 mW, the repetition rate and pulse width are 39.6 kHz and 4.1 μs. With the increase of pump power, the laser pulse width decreases and the repetition rate increases. When the pump power reaches 350 mW, the maximum repetition rate and minimum pulse width are 78.4 kHz and 2.3 μs, the central wavelength of the laser is 1559.9 nm, and the output power can reach 7.03 mW. The experimental results show that niobium diselenide is an excellent optical material, which has great application prospects in ultrafast nonlinear optics. %K 液相剥离法,二硒化铌,非线性光学,光纤激光器,光学材料
Liquid Phase Exfoliation %K Niobium Diselenide %K Nonlinear Optics %K Fiber Laser %K Optical Material %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=62301