%0 Journal Article %T 酸碱药对研究进展
Research Progress of Acid-Base Drug Pairs %A 张颖 %A 夏玉凤 %J Pharmacy Information %P 87-92 %@ 2160-4452 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/PI.2023.122011 %X 药对是以相对固定的两味中药配对使用的一种中药配伍形式,酸碱药对是中药药对中常见的配伍类型,本文结合近年来的探索成果,分别从酸碱药对的化学成分研究、药代动力学研究及药效学研究三方面作一综述,为酸碱药对配伍机制的阐释提供参考。
Drug pair is a kind of compatibility form of two relatively fixed traditional Chinese medicines. Acid-base drug pair is a common compatibility type of traditional Chinese medicine pair. Based on the exploration results in recent years, this paper reviews the chemical composition, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies of acid-base drug pair, to provide reference for the interpretation of the compatibility mechanism of acid-base drug pair. %K 中药药对,酸碱药对,配伍
Herb Pair %K Acid-Base Drug Pair %K Compatibility %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=62603