%0 Journal Article %T 天津地区LNG接收站冷能利用研究
Research on Cold Energy Utilization of LNG Receiving Station in Tianjin %A 刘汝康 %A 荆浩勇 %A 徐水营 %A 于风杰 %A 李丹 %A 梁勇 %A 乔林 %J Journal of Oil and Gas Technology %P 44-55 %@ 2471-7207 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JOGT.2023.451007 %X 作为我国重要的LNG进口基地,天津地区LNG接收站冷能利用具有很大潜力。本文采用冷能发电和冷能空分两种冷能利用技术分别对天津地区3座LNG接收站进行了项目投资和效益分析。研究结果表明,天津地区冷能空分项目具备市场基础,投资回收期5~7年;相比于冷能发电,天津地区LNG接收站具备发展冷能空分项目前景,实施冷能空分项目后,可减少碳排放约14.3万吨/年,助力《天津市碳达峰实施方案》目标的实现。
As an important LNG import base in China, the cold energy utilization of LNG receiving stations in Tianjin area has great potential. In this paper, two cold energy utilization technologies, cold energy power generation and cold energy air separation, are used to analyze the project investment and benefits of three LNG receiving stations in Tianjin. The research results show that the cold energy air separation project in Tianjin has a market base with a payback period of 5~7 years; compared with cold energy power generation, the LNG receiving stations in Tianjin have the prospect of developing cold energy air separation projects, and the implementation of cold energy air separation projects can reduce carbon emissions by about 143,000 tons/year, which can help achieve the goal of the Tianjin Carbon Peak Implementation Plan. %K 天津LNG,冷能利用,冷能发电,冷能空分
Tianjin LNG %K Cold Energy Utilization %K Cold Energy Generation %K Cold Energy Air Separation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=62421