%0 Journal Article %T Prediction of Sedimentary Microfacies Distribution by Coupling Stochastic Modeling Method in Oil and Gas Energy Resource Exploitation %A Huan Wang %A Yingwei Di %A Yunfei Feng %J Energy and Power Engineering %P 180-189 %@ 1947-3818 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/epe.2023.153008 %X In view of the problem that a single modeling method cannot predict the distribution of microfacies, a new idea of coupling modeling method to comprehensively predict the distribution of sedimentary microfacies was proposed, breaking the tradition that different sedimentary microfacies used the same modeling method in the past. Because different sedimentary microfacies have different distribution characteristics and geometric shapes, it is more accurate to select different simulation methods for prediction. In this paper, the coupling modeling method was to establish the distribution of sedimentary microfacies with simple geometry through the point indicating process simulation, and then predict the microfacies with complex spatial distribution through the sequential indicator simulation method. Taking the DC block of Bohai basin as an example, a high-precision reservoir sedimentary microfacies model was established by the above coupling modeling method, and the model verification results showed that the sedimentary microfacies model had a high consistency with the underground. The coupling microfacies modeling method had higher accuracy and reliability than the traditional modeling method, which provided a new idea for the prediction of sedimentary microfacies. %K Coupling Modeling %K Oil and Gas Energy Resource %K Sedimentary Microfacies %K Seological Model %K Reservoir Prediction %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=123931