%0 Journal Article %T Patterns of Urban Compactness: Indicators of Balance between Built-Up Area and Voids %A Bernardino Romano %A Camilla Sette %A Francesco Zullo %A Cristina Montaldi %J Current Urban Studies %P 179-193 %@ 2328-4919 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/cus.2023.111009 %X An effective response to the current international and EU guidelines of limiting land take and desirable reversal of the phenomenon, is possible for Italy only if it succeeds in setting up centralized regional direction structures for settlement transformations and working on operational planning tools. Precisely at this level, a different control of classic urban planning parameters will have to be expressed, centering attention on the relationship between built-up areas and property areas (coverage ratio) and orienting it to support urban design from a soil-saving perspective. This should apply in all homogeneous zones covered in Italian planning, with a decisive revision of current models. The paper examines the possibilities of technical action in this direction by simulating land-saving solutions corresponding to the progressive reduction of areas committed to construction and formulating proposals to strategically better regulate urbanization arrangements. The method used is based on the implementation of a set of indicators from different institutional databases. These relate the size of the average land area used to locate the individual buildings to the residential loads of the buildings, showing in both aspects an extraordinarily low average density that causes extensive land take phenomena. %K Urban Compactness %K Land Take %K Urban Standard %K Planning Indicators %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=124009