%0 Journal Article %T 三相六开关PFC整流器的无差拍控制仿真研究
Simulation Study on Deadbeat Control of Three-Phase Six-Switch PFC Rectifier %A 杨洋 %A 谢明 %J Journal of Electrical Engineering %P 11-18 %@ 2333-5424 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JEE.2023.111002 %X 针对三相六开关PFC (功率因数校正)整流器工作模态多、控制复杂的问题,本文在建立了基于三相静止坐标系和两相旋转坐标系的变换器等效数学模型的基础上,对三相六开关电路提出了基于无差拍控制的电流内环控制和PI控制的电压外环控制的策略,并进行了控制器设计。采用MATLAB/SIMULINK进行了原理仿真,结果表明在稳态运行及负载突变的情况下,输入电流可以跟随输入电压,实现功率因数校正,验证了上述方案的可行性。
In view of the problems of multiple working modes and complex control of three-phase six-switch PFC (power factor correction) rectifier, based on the establishment of the equivalent mathematical model of the converter based on three-phase static coordinate system and two-phase rotating coordinate system, this paper proposes the strategy of current inner loop control based on deadbeat control and voltage outer loop control based on PI control for three-phase six-switch circuit, and designs the controller. The principle simulation using MATLAB/SIMULINK shows that the input current can follow the input voltage to realize power factor correction under the condition of steady state operation and sudden load change, which verifies the feasibility of the above scheme. %K 功率因数校正,三相六开关,无差拍控制,MATLAB/SIMULINK
Power Factor Correction %K Three-Phase Six-Switch %K Deadbeat Control %K MATLAB/SIMULINK %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=62833