%0 Journal Article %T 循环荷载对串联式锚板抗拔性能影响数值分析
Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Cyclic Loading on the Pullout Resistance of Tandem Anchor Plates %A 邹希全 %A 刘杰 %A 马越 %A 欧志华 %J International Journal of Mechanics Research %P 48-55 %@ 2325-5005 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/IJM.2023.121005 %X 锚板支挡结构是一种适用于填方边坡支挡的轻型支挡结构,在锚板支挡结构的基础上又提出抗拔承载性能更优的串联式锚板支挡结构。本文通过FLAC3D有限差分软件,建立了串联式锚板数值分析模型,基于完全非线性分析方法,探究循环荷载对串联式锚板抗拔性能的影响。发现:锚板能保持相对稳定时,位移和循环次数之间的关系曲线可大致分为突变阶段、累积阶段和稳定阶段;初始静力荷载增加锚板整体位移增大,但初始静力荷载对突变阶段后的位移增长幅度影响较小,而循环幅值增加两者均会增大;应力水平相同时,纯循环荷载作用下,锚板位移比静力时大,锚板在循环荷载作用下的承载力处于静力作用下的0.8与0.9倍之间,循环荷载对锚板上方尤其是表面土体造成的扰动比静力荷载更大。
The anchor plate support structure is a kind of light support structure which is applicable to the fill slope support. On the basis of the anchor plate support structure, the tandem anchor plates support structure with better pullout bearing performance is proposed. In this paper, a numerical analysis model of tandem anchor plates is established by FLAC3D finite difference software to investigate the effect of cyclic loading on the pullout resistance of tandem anchor plate based on a fully nonlinear analysis method. Findings: when the anchor plates can maintain relative stability, the relationship curve between the displacement and the number of cycles can be roughly divided into a sudden change phase, a cumulative phase and a stable phase; the initial static load increases the overall displacement of the anchor plates, but the initial static load has less effect on the magnitude of the displacement growth after the abrupt change phase, while the cyclic amplitude increases both; when the stress level is the same, the displacement of anchor plate is larger under pure cyclic load than under static force. The bearing capacity of anchor plates under cyclic load is between 0.8 and 0.9 times of that under static force, and the cyclic load causes more disturbance to the soil above the anchor plates especially on the surface than the static load. %K 串联式锚板,循环荷载,抗拔性能,数值分析
Tandem Anchor Plates %K Cyclic Loading %K Pull-Out Resistance %K Numerical Analysis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=63226