%0 Journal Article %T 方波电流对混合簇放电的影响及其动力学分析
Influence of Square Wave Current on Mixed Bursting and Its Dynamic Analysis %A 蒋亚璐 %A 陈雪丽 %J International Journal of Mechanics Research %P 56-67 %@ 2325-5005 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/IJM.2023.121006 %X Pre-B?tzinger复合体(简称pre-B?tC)是新生哺乳动物产生正常呼吸节律的关键部位。当神经元受到外部刺激时,其放电模式会发生改变。方波电流是最简单且易实现的一种电流形式。本文通过调控方波电流的三个变量,来研究方波电流对神经元放电模式的影响。并通过时间序列和单参数分岔分析以及双参数分岔分析的方法,探究放电模式产生及转迁的动力学机制。结果表明方波电流可以诱导神经元产生混合簇放电。本文的研究结果为进一步理解神经系统中混合簇放电的产生机制提供了有益的参考。
Pre-B?tzinger complex (referred to as pre-B?tC) is a key site in the generation of normal respiratory rhythm in newborn mammals. When neurons are subjected to external stimuli, their firing patterns change. Square wave current is one of the simplest and easily achievable forms of current. In this paper, we investigate the effects of square current on the firing pattern of neurons by regulating three variables of square current. By time series, single-parameter bifurcation analysis and two-parameter bifurcation analysis, the dynamic mechanism of generation and transition of bursting pattern is explored. The results show that square current can induce neurons to generate mixed bursting. The findings of this paper can provide some reference for further understanding the generation mechanism of mixed bursting in the nervous system. %K pre-B?tzinger复合体,方波电流,分岔,混合簇放电
Pre-B?tzinger Complex %K Square Wave Current %K Bifurcation %K Mixed Bursting %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=63337