%0 Journal Article %T 基于磁耦合谐振式的AC/DC功率变换器研究
Study on AC/DC Power Converter Based on Magnetic Coupling Resonance %A 杜吉飞 %A 穆云飞 %A 李小滨 %A 王子尧 %A 王冠敬 %A 李博文 %J Open Journal of Circuits and Systems %P 1-7 %@ 2327-0861 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/OJCS.2023.121001 %X 本文设计的无线充电模组利用磁耦合谐振式无线充电原理,采用直流供电方式通过逆变电路转化成所需的交流电,产生高频正弦振荡电流驱动发射线圈,令发射电路处于谐振状态,再通过高频电磁场把能量传递给接收电路,带动接收回路进入谐振,最后通过整流滤波电路为负载提供较为稳定的直流电,由此完成电能的无线传输。本研究主要针对无线充电模组、功率器件驱动、逆变和整流滤波电路进行设计和工作过程分析,使设计的系统整体运行稳定可靠,实现无线输电的功能。
The wireless charging module designed in this paper uses the principle of magnetic coupling resonant wireless charging, uses DC power supply mode to convert into the required alternating current through the inverter circuit, generates high-frequency sinusoidal oscillation current to drive the transmitting coil, makes the transmitting circuit in a resonant state, transmits energy to the receiving circuit through the high-frequency electromagnetic field, drives the receiving circuit into the resonance, and then provides relatively stable DC power for the load through the rectifier filter circuit, thereby completing the wireless transmission of electric energy. The project mainly designs and analyzes the working process of wireless charging module, power device drive, inverter and rectifier filter circuit, so that the overall operation of the designed system is stable and reliable, and the function of wireless power transmission is realized. %K 无线充电,磁耦合谐振,整流滤波,能量传递,Wireless Charging %K Magnetically Coupled Resonance %K Rectifying Filter %K Energy Transfer %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=63454