%0 Journal Article %T 不同加工工艺对贵州绿茶干茶色泽及品质成分的影响分析
Analysis of the Influence of Different Processing Techniques on the Color of Dry Tea and Quality Components of Guizhou Green Tea %A 陈璐瑶 %A 李琴 %A 尹杰 %A 张拓 %A 罗学尹 %A 戴宇樵 %A 杨婷 %A 冉乾松 %A 方仕茂 %A 刘忠英 %A 潘科 %J Journal of Organic Chemistry Research %P 26-35 %@ 2330-524X %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JOCR.2023.111004 %X 目的:为探究不同加工工艺对贵州绿茶干茶色泽及品质成分的影响,本实验以福鼎大白品种为原料制作贵州绿茶,采取轻揉捻和重揉捻两种揉捻程度、不同提香温度和不同提香时间进行正交试验,通过检测干茶L*、a*、b*值,计算b*/a*值等色泽指标,及茶多酚、儿茶素、游离氨基酸等品质成分,比较不同加工工艺下各指标差异,结合感官审评分析探明干茶色泽及品质最优的加工工艺。结果:结果表明,通过轻度揉捻后60℃烘至足干、65℃下提香30 min的绿茶其感官评价得分最高,外形翠绿且润,滋味鲜醇,明显优于其他处理的茶样,其明亮度(L*)、绿色值(?a*)和b*/a*值皆最高,鲜味氨基酸和甜味氨基酸含量最高,茶多酚含量及儿茶素含量均较低,其滋味品质鲜醇、浓而不涩。结论:感官评价结合理化指标分析得出,在轻揉捻、60℃烘至足干、65℃下提香30 min的绿茶其干茶色泽及品质均为最好。
Objective: In order to explore the effects of different processing techniques on the color and quality components of Guizhou green tea dry tea, this experiment used Fuding Dabai variety as raw material to make Guizhou green tea. Orthogonal test is carried out on the time to enhance the aroma, by detecting the L*, a*, b* value of dry tea, calculating the color index such as b*/a* value, and quality components such as tea polyphenols, catechins, and free amino acids, to compare different The difference in each index under the processing technology, combined with the sensory evaluation analysis to find out the processing technology with the best color and quality of dry tea. Result: The results showed that the green tea that was dried at 60?C for 30 minutes at 65?C after mild rolling had the highest sensory evaluation score, with emerald green and moist appearance and fresh and mellow taste, which was obviously better than other treated tea samples. It has the highest brightness (L*), green value (?a*) and b*/a* value, the highest content of umami amino acids and sweet amino acids, and the content of tea polyphenols and catechins is low. The quality is fresh and mellow, thick but not astringent. Conclusion: The sensory evaluation combined with the analysis of physical and chemical indicators shows that the color and quality of the green tea are the best when the green tea is lightly rolled, dried at 60?C until fully dry, and fragrant at 65?C for 30 minutes. %K 贵州绿茶,加工工艺,色泽,色度值,色差仪
Guizhou Green Tea %K Processing Technology %K Color %K Chroma Value %K Color Difference Meter %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=63440