%0 Journal Article %T 房地产企业资金链断裂风险控制策略研究
Research on Risk Control Strategy of Capital Chain Fracture in Real Estate Enterprises %A 冯文楠 %A 王树锋 %J World Economic Research %P 58-66 %@ 2167-6615 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WER.2023.121006 %X 房地企业产业关联度高,区域经济带动力强,成为地方经济的重要支柱产业之一。随着购房理性消费意识提高与房产存量增速过猛矛盾凸显,特别是随着国家出台一系列宏观调控政策,很多房地产企业逐步陷入经营困境,甚至有些企业面临资金链断裂的财务危机,随时可能有轰然崩塌风险。基于此,本文采用文献研究、逻辑推理等方法,在总结前人论断成果基础上,阐释了房地产企业的资金链状况,剖析了资金链断裂的重要成因和影响因素,重点探讨了科学防范方法和有效解决房地产企业资金链断裂的策略,以期为房地产企业加强财务风险管理提供有益参考。
Real estate enterprises have become one of the most important pillar industries of the local economy, which have a high degree of industrial relevance and a strong driving force of the regional economic belt. With the increasing awareness of rational consumption of housing and the excessive growth of housing stock, the contradiction has become prominent, especially with the introduction of a series of macro-control policies by the state, many real estate enterprises have gradually fallen into business difficulties. Even some of them are facing a financial crisis of capital chain fracture, which may collapse at any time. Based on the above-mentioned facts, using the methods of literature research and logical reasoning, and on the basis of summarizing the conclusions of predecessors, this paper explains the status of the capital chain of real estate enterprises, analyzes the im-portant causes or influencing factors of the capital chain fracture, and focuses on the strategies for scientific prevention and effective solution of the capital chain fracture of real estate enterprises, with a view to providing a useful reference for real estate enterprises to strengthen financial risk management. %K 房地产企业,资金链断裂,风险管控
Real Estate Enterprises %K Capital Chain Fracture %K Risk Management and Control %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=63303