%0 Journal Article %T Interpersonal Perception in Virtual Groups: Examining Homophily, Identification and Individual Attraction Using Social Relations Model in Network %A Zuoming Wang %J Social Networking %P 45-56 %@ 2169-3323 %D 2023 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/sn.2023.122003 %X With the penetration of the Internet, virtual groups have become more and more popular. The reliability and accuracy of interpersonal perception in the virtual environment is an intriguing issue. Using the Social relations model (SRM) [1], this paper investigates interpersonal perception in virtual groups from a multilevel perspective. In particular, it examines the following three areas: homophily, identification, and individual attraction, and explores how much of these directional and dyadic relational evaluations can be attributed to the effect of the actor, the partner, and the relationship. %K Virtual Groups %K Interpersonal Perception %K Social Relations Model %K Homophily %K Identification %K Individual Attraction %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=124169