%0 Journal Article %T 持续钠钙离子电流对呼吸神经元混合簇放电的影响及其动力学分析
Effects of Persistent Sodium and Calcium Current on Mixed Bursting in the Respiratory Neuron with Dynamical Analysis %A 张珂 %J Dynamical Systems and Control %P 39-50 %@ 2325-6761 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/DSC.2023.122005 %X 实验研究发现哺乳动物脑干中的pre-B?tzinger复合体是呼吸节律产生的关键部位,其中蕴含很多动力学行为。改变钙激活非特异性阳离子电流和持续钠电流,此类吸气神经元模型可以产生一系列特殊的胞体–树突混合簇放电模式,即同一周期内有多种类型簇放电的放电模式。利用快慢变量分离和分岔分析等动力学方法探究混合簇放电的产生和转迁机制,发现钙激活非特异性阳离子电流和持续钠电流的变化导致混合簇的数量和类型的变化,为以后探究呼吸运动节律起源提供理论支持。
The experimental study found that the pre-B?tzinger complex in the mammalian brain stem is the key part of the generation of respiratory rhythm, which contains many dynamic behaviors. By changing calcium activated nonspecific cation current and persistent sodium current, such as the inspiratory neuron model, a series of special somatic-dendritic mixed bursting patterns can be generated, that is, there are multiple types of bursting patterns in the same cycle. Dynamic methods such as fast-slow decomposition and bifurcation analysis were used to explore the generation and transition mechanism of somatic-dendritic mixed bursting, and it was found that the changes of calcium activated nonspecific cation current and persistent sodium current lead to changes in the number and type of mixed cluster discharge, providing theoretical support for future research on the origin of respiratory movement rhythm. %K pre-B?tzinger复合体,胞体–树突混合簇放电,分岔分析,快慢变量分离
Pre-B?tzinger Complex %K Somatic-Dendritic Mixed Bursting %K Bifurcation Analysis %K Fast-Slow Decomposition %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=63616