%0 Journal Article %T 贵州茶园主产区不同母质茶园土壤微量元素空间差异特征
Spatial Differences of Trace Elements in Tea Garden Soils from Different Parent Materials in the Main Tea Producing Areas of Guizhou %A 龙天雨 %A 杨丽 %A 谢珊 %A 樊洪 %A 任红军 %A 刘元生 %J Journal of Organic Chemistry Research %P 36-48 %@ 2330-524X %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/JOCR.2023.111005 %X 为了探究不同母质茶园土壤Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn的含量特征,本研究以贵州省多个茶叶主产区为研究对象,分别采集了老风化壳、砂页岩和石英砂岩三种母质发育来的茶园土壤,并分析土壤中Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn的全量以及有效态含量特征及其剖面分布状况。研究结果表明:茶园土壤中全量Fe、Cu和Zn含量均与土壤砂粒含量呈极显著负相关,而与粘粒含量呈极显著正相关,在三种母质发育来的土壤上,全量铁、铜和锌平均含量表现为老风化壳 > 砂页岩 > 石英砂岩。全量Mn含量与粉粒含量呈显著正相关,在三种母质发育来的土壤上平均表现为砂页岩 > 老风化壳 > 石英砂岩。不同母质发育来的土壤上,有效Fe平均含量差异不大;有效Mn平均含量为砂页岩 > 老风化壳 > 石英砂岩;有效Cu平均含量为砂页岩大于老风化壳和石英砂岩;有效Zn平均含量为砂页岩和石英砂岩大于老风化壳。土壤中有效态Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn均处于中等及以上水平,在土壤中含量较为丰富。
In order to explore the content characteristics of iron, manganese, copper, and zinc in the soil of tea gardens with different parent materials, this study took several major tea producing areas in Guizhou Province as the research object, and selected three parent materials of old weathering crust, sand shale and quartz sandstone. The characteristics of the total and available content of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn in the soil and their profile distribution were analyzed. The results show that the content of iron, copper and zinc in the soil has a very significant negative correlation with the soil sand content, and a very significant positive correlation with the clay content. Shale > quartz sandstone; manganese content is significantly positively correlated with silt content, on average, sand shale > old weathered crust > quartz sandstone on soils developed from different parent materials. In soils developed from different parent materials, there is little difference in the average content of available iron; the average content of available Mn is sand shale > old weathered crust > quartz sandstone; the average effective Cu content of sand shale is greater than that of old weathered crust and quartz sandstone; the average Zn content in sand shale and quartz sandstone is greater than that in old weathering crust. The available Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn in the soil were all at the medium level or above, and the content was relatively abundant in the soil. %K 母质,茶园土壤,铁锰铜锌,全量,有效态
Parent Material %K Tea Garden Soil %K Iron %K Manganese %K Copper and Zinc %K Total Quantity %K Effective State %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=63629