%0 Journal Article %T 工业废水处理方案的绿色度模糊综合评价模型及应用
Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model and Application of the Green Degree of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Scheme %A 陈世金 %A 刘圣东 %A 孙理密 %A 朱丽 %J Water pollution and treatment %P 23-30 %@ 2332-8029 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WPT.2023.112004 %X 为适应工业废水处理绿色、低碳和循环的发展趋势,本文从工艺绿色先进水平、资源能源节约水平、环境影响水平和处理效果四个方面,构建了工业废水处理方案的绿色度评价指标体系和包括四个等级的模糊综合评价模型,提出了定量和定性指标的赋值和隶属度确定方法,采用层次分析法确定指标权重,利用权重作用明显、综合程度强的模糊算子进行合成运算。利用水质、水量和工艺相近的三个印染废水方案进行了应用研究,结果表明,三个方案的绿色度评价值分别为0.782、0.763和0.720,均属于中等,反映了该评价方法具有一定的可操作性、科学性和适用性,能够体现出各方案绿色度的差异化程度,并为企业提升改造废水处理的方案选用提供了依据。
In order to adapt to the development trend of green, low carbon and circulation of industrial wastewater treatment, an evaluation index system of the green degree of industrial wastewater treatment scheme and a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model including four levels have been constructed considering the green and advanced level of process, resource and energy conservation level, environmental impact level and treatment effect in this paper. The model proposes the method of assignment and membership degree determination of the indicators. The hierarchical analysis method is used to determine the index weight and the fuzzy arithmetic reflecting obvious weight effect and strong synthesis degree is used. Using three printing and dyeing wastewater schemes with similar water quality, water quantity and process, the results showed that the green evaluation values of the three schemes were 0.782, 0.763 and 0.720, respectively, all at the medium level. Case application reflects that the evaluation method has certain operability, scientificity and applicability, which can reflect the green differentiation degree of each scheme, and provides a basis for enterprises to improve the selection of the transformation of the wastewater treatment scheme. %K 工业废水,处理方案,绿色度,模糊综合评价,Industrial Wastewater %K Treatment Scheme %K Green Degree %K Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=63624