%0 Journal Article %T 盐酸石蒜碱的药理作用研究进展
Advances in Pharmacological Effects of Lycorine Hydrochloride %A 高珊 %A 金成浩 %J World Journal of Cancer Research %P 23-29 %@ 2164-9057 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/WJCR.2023.132004 %X 中草药石蒜是石蒜科、石蒜属植物,具有解毒、祛痰、利尿、催吐及杀虫等功效。盐酸石蒜碱是一种从石蒜的鳞茎中提取的生物碱。研究表明,盐酸石蒜碱具有抗真菌、抗病毒、抗肿瘤等多种药理活性。本文将盐酸石蒜碱的药理作用及其机制的相关研究进行系统总结,以期为盐酸石蒜碱的进一步研究与应用提供基础理论依据。
Lycoris is a Chinese herbal medicine, lycoris family, lycoris plants, with detoxification, expectorant, diuretic, emetic, insecticidal and other effects. Lycorine hydrochloride is an alkaloid extracted from the bulb of lycoris. Studies have shown that lycorine hydrochloride has many pharmacological activities such as antifungal, antiviral and antitumor. In this paper, the pharmacological effects and related mechanism of lycorine hydrochloride were systematically summarized in order to provide basic theoretical reference for further research of lycorine hydrochloride. %K 盐酸石蒜碱,药理作用,抗真菌,抗病毒,抗肿瘤
Lycorine Hydrochloride %K Pharmacological Effect %K Anti-Fungal %K Anti-Viral %K Anti-Tumor %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=63667