%0 Journal Article %T 基于多端Flyback拓扑的功率变换系统研究
The Study on Power Converter System Based on Multi-End Flyback Topology %A 杜吉飞 %A 穆云飞 %A 李小滨 %A 赵凌志 %A 缪永丽 %A 王丽 %A 孙强 %J Dynamical Systems and Control %P 98-104 %@ 2325-6761 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/DSC.2023.122010 %X 反激式功率变换器结构简单,转换效率高,损耗小,能提供多路直流输出,因而得以广泛应用。本文首先分析了当前功率变换器的研究现状与发展趋势,明确了设计与改进的方向。其次,分析了单端Flyback型功率变换器的工作原理,并对一些重要模块进行了详细的研究。对于变换器功率因数不高的问题、谐波治理的问题,提出了改进思路,进行了电路拓扑结构优化。仿真实验结果表明,本文所设计的基于反激式拓扑的功率变换系统具有电路结构简单、效率高、电路稳定性高、电路损耗小等特点,能实现单相输入交流电压转变为多路隔离输出的直流电压,具有很高的应用价值。
As an important type of power converter, flyback switching power supply has simple circuit structure, high conversion efficiency, small loss, and it can provide multi-channel AC output, so it is widely used. In this paper, the feasibility of using a single-ended flybackpower converter to realize a certain voltage level of DC is verified. Firstly, the current research status and development trend of switching power supply are analyzed, and the direction of design and improvement is made clear. Secondly, the working principle of single-ended flybackpower converter is analyzed, and some important modules are studied in details. For the common problems of switching power supply, such as low power factor and harmonic control, this paper puts forward the improvement idea and carries out the circuit structure optimization. The simulation results show that the power converter employing flyback topology in this paper has the characteristics of simple circuit structure, high circuit stability, less test ripple and so on. It can realize the transformation of single-phase input AC voltage into multi-channel isolated output DC voltage, and has a high practical value. %K 功率变换器,反激式拓扑,多路输出
Power Converter %K Flyback Topology %K Multi-Output %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=64451