%0 Journal Article %T 耦合梯级水库应急调度与溃口洪水过程演进分析
Flood Routing Process Analysis Coupling Cascade Reservoir Emergency Operation and Breach Flow %A 李启龙 %A 侯冰琪 %A 郭靖 %A 贺阳 %A 祝宾晧 %A 陈璐 %J Journal of Water Resources Research %P 1-11 %@ 2166-5982 %D 2023 %I Hans Publishing %X 现有研究没有综合考虑流域梯级水库群溃坝应急调度与超标洪水河道演进模拟。本文将防洪调度和溃坝洪水演进计算结合起来,同时基于一维圣维南方程组,结合有限体积法、追赶法等方法,提出了一种适用于梯级水库群洪水演进的通用快速计算模型。该模型以调度结果作为洪水演进计算的边界条件,并根据实测资料对模型参数进行率定,实现了对洪水在河道内传播过程的精确模拟。以汉江流域断面实测数据与泉河流域的两座梯级水库为例,验证了所建立模型的合理性与准确性。结果表明,本文建立的快速计算模型能够实现对溃坝洪水河道演进全过程的精确模拟,并计算溃坝洪水影响范围与到达时间,有利于流域防洪减灾保障体系的构建,具有实际推广和应用价值。
The existing researches have not synthetically considered dam-break emergency operation and exceeding flood routing simulation of cascade reservoirs. This paper coupled of the flood control operation and dam-break flow process calculation. Based on the one-dimensional Saint-Venant equations, Finite Volume and Chase-after methods, a general flood routing rapid simulation model for cascade reservoirs was proposed. The operation results were used as the boundary conditions for flood routing evolution calculation, and the parameters were calibrated based on the measured data to achieve an accurate simulation of the flood routing process. Taking the measured data of Hanjiang basin and two cascade reservoirs in Quan River basin as examples, the rationality and accuracy of the developed model were verified. The results indicated that the established rapid calculation model realizes the accurate simulation of the whole process of dam break flood channel routing and calculates the impact range and arrival time of dam-break floods, which is conducive to the construction of the basin flood control and disaster reduction security system, and has practical promotion and application value. %K 梯级水库群,河道洪水演进,防洪应急调度,溃口流量过程
Cascade Reservoirs %K Flood Routing Evolution %K Flood Control Emergency Operation %K Breach Flow Process %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=64385